Blah blah blah...I need sleep, not sales copy.
Does your toddler seem to hate sleep?
Do you dread bedtime?
Is every night a 3 ring circus of more water, more tissues, potty, “I’m hungry” (well why didn’t you eat the dinner I made you then?), one more story-song-book-hug-DEAR GOD CHILD JUST GO THE F TO SLEEP? Do you wake up terrified as a tiny child stares at you in your bed, like a creepy little silent ghost?

Have you bought every Bedtime Reward Chart, wakeup clock, and special product on the market, to no avail? Is your child unmoved by the promise of a sticker as a reward for not torturing you?
Why don’t kids appreciate that beautiful moment of resting their head on a pillow after a long day of playing, screaming, not eating, and going from Tasmanian devil to perfect-angel-I-can’t-believe-you’re-mine in a split second? The world will never know.
BUT! There is hope on the horizon!!
A plan to get your bedtimes back. A plan to make your evenings lovely and enjoyable, something you can look forward to at the end of a long day.
And I am here to give you that plan.
End your Bedtime Battles
You have two options:
- Just the class, ma’am – access to recorded live Webinar - $50
- Class PLUS a one-on-one call with me and two brief follow-ups. I’ll help you tailor what I discussed to your specific situation and answer all of your questions! - $250
In our 90 minutes together, you’ll learn:
- How to make bedtime easy and delightful for the whole family
- What the Robot Bus Driver is and how it will save your sanity
- How to get your child to stay in their own bed, all night long
- Why those reward charts and stickers and clocks didn’t work for you, and how to implement them effectively
- Whether naps are your friend or your enemy (don’t worry, I won’t make you give them up if you don’t want to)
- How to support your child emotionally through this change, without becoming a screaming monster or a total wet noodle. (bonus: clients have reported this effect leaks over into all aspects of parenting and improves it!)
- How to bounce back from illness, vacation, and anything else that derails your progress

Why am I qualified to teach this?
Because in addition to being a baby and toddler sleep coach and sleep coach trainer, I have a degree in Developmental Psychology and career background in Early Childhood Education. I spent over 20 years as a babysitter and nanny, and 3 years teaching public school preschool and Kindergarten. I know how kids learn, and I know what really works, and I know what frustrates parents. I have been in the trenches and lived to tell the tale.