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 July 17th 1pm EST  | Get your Head on Straight with Megan (Miles) Hamilton
--Simple skills to embrace change and enjoy the ride!--Simple skills to embrace change and enjoy the ride!

Megan (Miles) Hamilton has worked in birth and parenting education for over 20 years. Her private coaching and perinatal education programs teach simple skills to truly care for yourself as you navigate the journey through parenthood. She is the creator of the Miles Circuit, used worldwide to help women have more comfortable births.

* Nothing in life prepares us for pregnancy and Parenting in your own life and your own body.
* Self sacrifice and losing yourself in the process does not make you a better parent.
* Put on your own oxygen mask first. Self-care for new parents is a skill starting with self-awareness.
* Change is hard. How do we move past our old habits and self-destructive behaviors?
* Let It go- Recognize what can be controlled and releasing the things they can’t.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any more detail. I’m really excited to share what I do with Devon’s audience.

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  • July 17th: Get your Head on Straight with Megan (Miles) Hamilton
    --Simple skills to embrace change and enjoy the ride!--Simple skills to embrace change and enjoy the ride!
  • Aug 21th: Packing Your Hospital "Toolbox" w/ Kate Elise

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