Overnight Doula Services: a.k.a. Unicorn Rides

Why Parents Hire an Overnight Doula

The ultimate hand-holding (and baby holding!) with a doula by your side. Overnight doulas attend to your baby’s needs while you sleep, so that you can rest easy. Happy Family After will get your baby into good sleep habits and can take care of the occasional basic household task.

Imagine waking up and riding a unicorn down a rainbow of well-rested joy.

(Ok, we can’t guarantee the appearance of unicorns or rainbows, but we CAN ensure the most rest and peace of mind you’ve gotten in weeks - or months - which is bound to feel like a unicorn ride.)

Hiring an Overnight Doula is truly one of the most magical things you can do for your sanity and the health of your family.

Our night doulas are trained and experienced in supporting you in your parenting journey — answering your questions, troubleshooting feeding concerns, and assisting with recovery, all while providing stellar care to your newborn while you sleep.

What to expect when your overnight doula arrives at your home:

There are lots of advantages to hiring an overnight doula. When they arrive in the evening at your home, your they will:

  • Talk with you a bit to digest the day and answer any questions you might have
  • Let you fall asleep in peace
  • Keep a watchful eye on your little angel while she folds your laundry, washes bottles/dinner dishes/whatever
  • Bring the baby to you for nursing when it’s time, or bottle feed if that’s your jam
  • Let you fall back asleep in peace
  • Take care of any burping, poopy diaper changing, re-swaddling, or settling back to sleep
  • Work toward naturally improving your baby’s sleep
  • Let you continue sleeping in peace

The Result?

You wake up, ride a unicorn out of your bedroom, or possibly slide down a rainbow, refreshed and ready to have an awesome day with your baby!

Depending on your preferred schedule, you may want to enjoy coffee and breakfast before taking over baby duty, or even *gasp* have a long, hot shower.

By the way, twin parents find overnight care incredibly helpful, too. Doulas are experienced in juggling more than one baby, so all parents can get a good night’s sleep.

Adjusting to life with twins?

By the way, twin parents find nighttime care incredibly helpful, too. Our overnight doulas are experienced in juggling more than one baby, so all parents can get a good night’s sleep.

coffee morning

Choose an Overnight Doula Package That Best Fits Your families Needs and Budget

Consistent Care
24 Nights of Rest - $70/hr

Best for: Parents who know they want solid, consistent coverage with overnights and/or live-in support. Get sleep and support as you transition with your new family.  

Looks like: A set schedule of nights per week for however many weeks you choose (eg 3 nights a week for 8 weeks). You can always add on more time!

Flexible Care
100 Hours Package - $75/hr

Best for: Parents who love the idea of care but want a lot of flexibility. Also great for parents who want a mix of days and overnights.

Looks like: We’ll create a schedule week to week, based on your changing needs for ultimate flexibility. You can do as much as you want beyond this – adding as much time as you’d like at the same rate.

Our overnight doulas ensure your bonding experience remains strong.

Concerned about bonding time? There are some who think that having overnight help takes away from the parents’ bonding time. Let me let you in on a little secret – you’re not missing much. The babies will mostly noisily sleep, poop, or be a bit fussy. Your doula is not having long bonding moments with your baby while you dream about Ryan Gosling your hubby. They will listen to him grunt, snuffle, and fart. They may have to hold him for a while, sitting up, because that’s the only way to keep him asleep. You do this PLENTY during the day, I’m sure! 2-3 (or even 5-7) nights a week of overnight care is going to make you a happier, healthier, better rested parent for your little one(s) during the day, I promise. And that is worth its weight in gold!

What Happy, Rested Parents Say About Happy Family After


I loved my team of doulas and can’t imagine (don’t want to imagine) how my postpartum life would’ve looked without them! My postpartum this time around looked so different in all the positive ways imaginable compared to my first postpartum experience thanks to everyone from HFA.


Why Parents Choose Overnight Doula Services From Happy Family After

We think we're pretty special — unicorn rides and all! When you work with us, we provide:

Peace of Mind

Our team-approach ensures you always have the support you need even if your baby arrives early...or late! Often, families hire an independent doula, only to find that this person is no longer available. With us, you have lots of flexibility to meet your ever-changing needs.

Non-Judgemental & Informed Support

We collaborate with all parenting styles and empower you to care for your child with your values in mind, all while also providing evidence-based guidance.

Rest & Recovery

Not only will you be able to SLEEP, but your doula is schooled on the postpartum needs of the birthing person -- ensuring you have hydration, snacks, and emotional, physical, and even some household support.

Routines & Structure

We start early to help get your baby into a good sleep routine and help you create habits that will eventually get them sleeping through the night.

Contact Us Today

Unicorn Rides

Overnight Doula Care

    • Long term but flexible
    • As many nights as you need each week - the more the better!
    • Customized live-in packages are available
    • Prices start at $70/hour, but inquire to receive your custom plan

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