Doulas in the Kitchen: Postpartum Snacks 101

Postpartum Snacks

Nutrition is important for postpartum parents. Your body has been working hard to create a new life for the last 9 months, and now that the baby is here, your body still has work to do to heal from childbirth, replenish nutrients that have been depleted, and nourish your newborn, especially if you are breastfeeding.…

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My Story: The Importance of Perinatal Mental Health

Postpartum Mental Health

I will never forget the long, hot summer my son was born. We lived in a small, two bedroom side by side duplex off the freeway, the lawn left overgrown and full of weeds all summer as we fumbled through the early days of parenting. The place was once half business, half residence, and the…

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Postpartum Recovery (Part 1): The neglected 4th trimester

Mom with baby

The countdown is on until your baby’s arrival and you’ve been preparing for nine long months. Your refrigerator is sporting the latest black and white ultrasound snaps of your little cherub. The nursery is freshly painted, the crib has been assembled, and you’ve spent the last three Saturdays taking a birthing class, building nursery furniture…

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Planning to Hire a Night Nurse? Perhaps Reconsider….

Postpartum care with a doula

When preparing for the arrival of a baby, it seems one thing there is never a shortage of are other peoples’ opinions — and questions. How to give birth, how to feed them, whether to put them on a schedule or follow their demands as they come. Who’s going to wake up with the baby…

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Birth is just the beginning.

Birth. Birthbirthbirthbirthbirthbirth. From the moment you saw that second pink line, (maybe even before!) you’ve been thinking about BIRTH. Natural birth, homebirth, hospital birth, epidural, birthing tubs, Hypnobirth, on and on the options go. There are birth advocacy groups, birth blogs, birth websites, birth classes, heated and endless birth debates…. and that’s GREAT, it really…

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