Help! Baby’s coming and I’m not ready!

pregnant mom holding belly with father close by

The final days of pregnancy are winding down. The nursery is all set up, the tiny pieces of clothing are washed and folded nicely in the drawers, birth classes have been attended, the car seat is installed – wait car seat installed?!?! We’re supposed to do that ahead of time? I didn’t know that! Suddenly everyone is asking me about things it seems everyone knows they’re supposed to do but me. There should be someone that tells you these things, and can answer the million questions that run through your head as an expectant or new parent. (Stay tuned –  that someone exists.) 

Everyone wanted to know when and for how long I was going to be off work and when was giving birth. And I knew this was only the beginning of being bombarded with attention that I didn’t know I didn’t want and questions I did not and would not have the answers to…. 

You don’t have to have all the answers!

Well, I’ve got good news for you. You don’t need to have all the answers. But there are a few things you can do to make the weeks and months to come go more smoothly for you. 

Prep for Baby’s Coming: Step 1

Your time is soon to be spent primarily focusing on the baby and your own physical recovery. First things first — set up your life and your household to run without your active participation in as many tasks as possible. 

  • If you have a demanding job, or one where people reach out to you frequently for direction or answers, you’ll want to set up who will be the go to for those things while you are on maternity leave. 
  • If you have pets, hire someone to walk them and feed them if you’re able to, or reassign care duties to another member of your family. 
  • Now’s the time to find a reliable house cleaner or schedule cleanings more frequently if you already have one. You can hire out for just about anything from laundry to meal preparation or hiring someone to water your plants, and this is the time to do so. 
  • Spend some time before the baby is born making some meals and preparing postpartum snacks to stock the freezer with that you can easily heat up while you’re recovering from childbirth, or utilizing a service that will do this for you. 

Prep for Baby’s Coming: Step 2

Next, arrange your household in a way that’s conducive to postpartum recovery and conveniently caring for a baby. 

  • One important way you can prepare your space is organizing a diaper changing station in the room you will spend the most time in, and not just the nursery. For example, if the living room is where you will spend most of your time during the day, get a small organizer that you can put a handful of diapers, a package of wipes and some diaper cream in. This way you won’t need to go back and forth to the nursery during those early days when babies can sometimes go through multiple diapers every hour or two. This is especially important if your baby’s nursery is on a separate floor from where you’ll be spending most of your time. 
  • Be sure to stash some snacks with protein and good fat in your organizer as well. Keeping hydrated and fed will be two of the most important things you can do for yourself while also feeding a baby. 
  • Another great task to do ahead of time is to set up each restroom in your home with the supplies you will need to aid in your physical recovery postpartum. 

Having the things you need on hand and within reach will help you to utilize them, which in turn will improve and speed up your physical recovery. 

Prep for Baby’s Coming: Step 3

Finally, and this is the most important one of all – make plans for who will help you when things get overwhelming. When the baby hasn’t slept, and you haven’t slept, you desperately need a shower, and there aren’t any clean spoons left in the house, who can you rely on to show up and do what needs to be done to get you back to a functioning household again? In fact, go ahead and make a list right now of who you can call in that exact scenario. 

Hire a Postpartum Doula or Newborn Care Specialist

Be sure to add Happy Family After to your list. Our team of doulas and newborn care specialists will always be on the other side of that phone call, ready to step in and show you strategies to soothe your baby, hold them while you get that shower and nap you’re needing, and we’ll even keep the laundry running through and prepare you a nutritious meal to nourish your recovering body. And after you’re rested, we’ll be there to answer all of your burning questions like Why does my baby make so much darn noise while she’s sleeping? Why does she want to sleep everywhere but her actual crib? How do I know if she’s getting enough milk while breastfeeding? How often should she be eating? How soon is too soon for a schedule?  

Not to worry. We’ve got you covered. Do yourself a favor and schedule ongoing visits with one of our doulas ahead of your delivery. You will thank yourself later.