Postpartum Care
Planning to Hire a Night Nurse? Perhaps Reconsider….
When preparing for the arrival of a baby, it seems one thing there is never a shortage of are other peoples’ opinions — and questions. How to give birth, how to feed them, whether to put them on a schedule or follow their demands as they come. Who’s going to wake up with the baby…
Read MorePreparing for Childbirth: Navigate the Final Weeks of Pregnancy and Into Postpartum Recovery
The third trimester has arrived; nesting has kicked it into high gear, and you’re fully prepared for baby! You’ve found a pediatrician that you like, you’ve prepared the nursery, the stroller is assembled and the car seat’s ready to be installed as you count down the final weeks of pregnancy. Now that just about everything…
Read MoreBouncing Back: Advantages of Birthing Ball Exercises in Postpartum Recovery
Nothing is more fulfilling or gratifying than giving birth to a beautiful new baby. During pregnancy, new parents spend much of their time preparing for the newest addition to the family and ensuring their homes are ready for the big day. Whether you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the future, it is…
Read MoreBirth is just the beginning.
Birth. Birthbirthbirthbirthbirthbirth. From the moment you saw that second pink line, (maybe even before!) you’ve been thinking about BIRTH. Natural birth, homebirth, hospital birth, epidural, birthing tubs, Hypnobirth, on and on the options go. There are birth advocacy groups, birth blogs, birth websites, birth classes, heated and endless birth debates…. and that’s GREAT, it really…
Read MoreWhy New Moms Don’t Sleep Enough
It’s the universal lament of new parents, and what everyone tells you about having a new baby. “Get your sleep now!” “Hope you’re ready for 18 years of no sleep!” blah, blah, blah. You get less sleep with a new baby, and it’s pretty much unavoidable (unless you have overnight help). However, in my years of working…
Read MoreNow offering:: Unicorn rides*
*At least, that’s how it will feel. What does an overnight doula do? I get a lot of questions about the overnight support we offer. Many people call asking for a “baby nurse” or “night nurse” (in quotes because they’re not typically licensed nurses), and I love telling them how and why a postpartum doula…
Read MoreA Day at Home with a Postpartum Doula
There was an article going around a few weeks ago called “A Day at Home with a Newborn”. Articles like these always inspire laughs in moms who understand what it’s like, but they make me sad and frustrated, because I want to reach into the computer and shout, “Hire a postpartum doula!!” The author doesn’t get a…
Read MoreAn Open Letter to Guests
(I wrote this a while ago and it appeared in a whole bunch of major newspapers when the Royal Baby was born in 2013. It was also featured on NPR’s website,, and many other sites!) Family members and friends will flock to your house when you have a new arrival. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED…
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